How to Tell If Someone Unadded You on Snapchat? Guide 2023


So if you’ve been wondering how to tell if someone unadded you on Snapchat, then you’ve come to the right place.

The possibility that they have taken you off of their list of friends is sad. The purpose of Snapchat is to share updates about your life with your friends. Why would you still send updates about your life to them if they have removed you?

It hurts, but they obviously aren’t interested!

We have come up with three simple ways to determine if that is accurate in order to satisfy your curiosity. Keep reading.

How to Tell If Someone Unadded You on Snapchat:3 Ways

It certainly irritates you when you no longer get a response from them.

Here are three quick ways to confirm if the person has unadded you on Snapchat.

Friends List on Snapchat

How to Tell If Someone Unadded You on Snapchat

You can quickly find out if you’ve been deleted from someone’s Snapchat account by looking through your Friends list.

Open Snapchat and tap the red menu button in the upper-left corner to access the menu. Scroll down to the “Friends” area in this window.

Then click “My Friends” under that. They haven’t deleted you if you can see the name of the person in this list whose name you are looking for. If their name is missing from this list, they have unfollowed you on Snapchat, though.

For added assurance that they have removed you from their Snapchat list, you can also search for the individual here. If you have a long list of friends and are having trouble choosing one, this will be especially useful.

Snapchat Profile

You can only see a few specific things in your friend’s profile:

  • Snap streak (if you have any),
  • Their zodiac sign,
  • Their snap score,
  • Saved snaps.
Snapchat Profile

If you do not see any of them, that’s a good sign that you are no longer on their friend list.

You can confirm this by following these steps:

  1. Tap on the search button, present besides your profile icon in the top left corner.
  2. Type the name of the person or go manually to their profile from your chat window.
  3. Click on their profile icon.
  4. You have been unfriended if you don’t see a snap streak, score, sign, or saved items on their profile.

Looking at the Sent Snap

You might also consider sending that person a Snap. If it shows ‘pending’ instead of delivered, be sure the next person has removed you from their friend list.

Sent Snap

If you have never experienced it before, this is how it goes:

  1. Open Snapchat
  2. Send that person a random photo that you took.

Read More:

What to Do When Someone Unadded You on Snapchat?

Ask Mutual Friends

If you can’t find someone on your friend list, don’t freak out. Consider the other reasons why you might not have found your friend on the list.

The most common reason is typing the username wrong or the down server. In that case, ask a mutual friend for an exact username or email address to find that person on Snapchat.

Reach Out to the Person

The best course of action is to personally inquire about their wellbeing. The person you are curious about might have lost their account, password, or phone. Inquire if everything is alright by gently reaching out to the person.

Conclusion: How to Tell If Someone Unadded You on Snapchat

I know how exciting it is to find out if someone has unfriended or unadded you on Snapchat because I am also a user of the app. You can choose to block or remove someone from the list using the platform.

To know, How to Tell If Someone Unadded You on Snapchat, read the entire article and do share it with your friends!

We sincerely hope that this data was useful to you! Thanks for reading!

Related Post: How to See Mutual Friends on Snapchat?


How to Tell If Someone Unadded You on Snapchat?

By using the techniques in this article, you can determine if someone has de-added you on Snapchat.

What Happens When You Block Someone on Snapchat?

You cannot be found on Snapchat by blocked users, even if they search for you. They also can’t send you snaps, view your stories, or start a chat with you.

Does Snapchat Notify If I Remove Someone?

No, Snapchat won’t let you know if someone is removed.