Why Does One Airpod Die Faster? 7 Common Reasons

One Airpod Die Faster

Why does one Airpod die faster is a frequently asked question. There are a number of frequently occurring causes for this. The good news is that most causes have simple fixes, so there’s no reason to panic.

Having one earbud die more quickly than the other can be very annoying after spending several hundred dollars on AirPods. Learn more about the causes of your AirPods’ demise and how to fix them by reading on.

Why Does One AirPod Die Faster Than the Other?

Here are some of the probable causes of why one AirPod dies faster than the other:

  • One AirPod is Used More: The most frequent cause of one AirPod dying sooner is that it is used more frequently. Most users only use one AirPod to multitask between listening to audio and communicating with others.
  • One AirPod Uses Siri: If one AirPod is programmed to call Siri when double-tapped, the battery life suffers as a result. As a result, you need to double-tap each AirPod to configure its settings.
  • Damaged Battery: It’s conceivable that the AirPod’s battery is defective. It goes without saying that your AirPod is more likely to die quickly if the battery is damaged.
  • Microphone Setting is Set to Use One AirPod: If you only have one AirPod and it is set to always use the microphone, this is another likely reason why your AirPod’s battery will drain more quickly. To switch between AirPods automatically, check this in the AirPods settings.
  • One Side of AirPods Case is Damaged: The fact that one AirPod doesn’t receive enough charge in the charging case is another factor that contributes to the AirPod dying sooner. It may occur if the charging case’s working side fails. It becomes obvious that one AirPod will eventually charge less and eventually drain more quickly.
  • Charging Port is Clogged: If the charging of the AirPod is being impeded, it is likely that the charging case or the bottom of the AirPod has accumulated debris. One AirPod drains faster as a result.
  • Defective AirPod: You may have a damaged pair of AirPods, though this is uncommon. One AirPod’s faster draining could be the result of a manufacturing flaw. In this situation, you can go to the Apple Store and get your warranty.

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How to Troubleshoot One Airpod Die Faster?

Here are six ways you could try to fix why does one Airpod die faster.

1. Check Your Battery Case

Check the charging case first if one AirPod dies more quickly than the other. Grease is frequently to blame for variable battery life. Let’s face it: earwax can occasionally find its way inside the case and get on the charging contacts because, well, ears can be gross. It may have charging problems if your AirPod doesn’t fully connect.

Why Does One Airpod Die Faster

Use a Q-Tip or other cleaning tool to clean the contacts. Use as little solution as possible to clean the contacts instead (it can actually harm your case), and be careful not to put the AirPods back in the case if they resemble the aftermath of a Ghostbusters episode. If you choose to use a liquid to clean your AirPods, use a Q-Tip dipped in 70% isopropyl alcohol. After drying completely, put the AirPods back in their case.

Read More: How to Connect AirPods If Case is Dead?

2. One AirPod Uses Siri

The ability to be programmed gives AirPods an edge over other headphones. The first could be used to skip, pause, or play a song, and the second to call your smart assistant or do something else. The key is that an AirPod that is configured to use Siri will typically consume power more quickly than the other. Just a few taps in the AirPods’ settings will stop Siri from working.

  1. Open Bluetooth in the Settings app on your iPhone.
  2. Tap the “i” beside your AirPods.
  3. Choose the AirPod with the shorter battery life by looking for the Press And Hold Options.

Replace Siri with Noise Control if it is already selected. With features like Noise Cancellation and Transparency, AirPods offer a fine level of control over the amount of sound that is allowed in. The battery life can be increased by turning off some of these extra features.

3. The Microphone is Only Active on One AirPod

Although both AirPods have microphones, you may occasionally choose to use just one of them as a microphone and the other as a speaker. Similar to using just one AirPod for Siri, using just one to charge your microphone will cause it to run out of juice much more quickly than using both.

4. Update AirPods Firmware

The battery level can sometimes deplete more quickly than usual if the AirPods continue to run on an older firmware. In order to lower the chance of a shorter battery life, you should think about keeping the firmware on your AirPods updated. Additionally, firmware updates can fix bugs and other technical issues.

Update AirPods Firmware
  1. Do not remove your AirPods from the charging case.
  2. Energize the charging case.
  3. Near the paired iOS device, place your charging case.
  4. In the event that a firmware update is available, the device will automatically download and install it.

5. You Need to Reset Your AirPods

Airpods may require a reset, which is another potential issue. The simplest way to do this is to unpair and repair your AirPods from your iOS device.

  1. Go to Settings > Bluetooth on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Find your AirPods in the device list and tap the “i” beside them.
  3. Select Forget This Device at the bottom of the page.
  4. Tap Forget Device

Re-pairing your AirPods is easy once you’ve disconnected them. Apple products are made with simple setup in mind. Simply place your phone in close proximity to the AirPod case to open it.

  1. The screen ought to show your AirPod case. Tap Connect when it does.
  2. Press and hold the button on the case’s back while it is still open.

Your new AirPods will be connected after the prompts disappear. Depending on whether you have AirPods or AirPod Pros, the precise procedure might change, but the outcome will always be the same.

6. Replace Your AirPods Battery

One last option is to replace the batteries in your AirPods if one continues to degrade significantly more quickly than the other. For 49 dollars each, you can replace the battery if your AirPods are still covered by warranty. It will cost 69 dollars for each battery replacement if they are not covered by warranty.

Consider changing the battery in just one AirPod to save money. The more sensible and sensible option is to replace the battery if only a single side tends to drain. Replace the AirPods themselves as opposed to the battery if you’re experiencing battery problems with both of them.

The cost of replacing the AirPods is only marginally higher than that of changing the battery, and you are assured of getting a fix.

Always make sure you buy new batteries or AirPods from an authentic retailer. The advantage of visiting a real Apple store is that you can speak with actual Apple experts there.

While it might cost a little more, it is still worthwhile. Apple will give you sound advice, and you’ll be sure to get a genuine item.

Generally speaking, changing the battery ought to be the last resort. You won’t need to buy new batteries because the previously mentioned fixes typically work. Attempt changing your setting options, disconnecting from Siri, and charging your AirPods evenly before deciding to buy batteries. Reach out to Apple Support if all else fails.

7. Contact Apple Support

If you have followed all the instructions and one AirPod is still draining more quickly than the other, it appears that there is a more serious problem that cannot be fixed. In this instance, you’ll need to get in touch with Apple support to have this fixed.

Don’t be shocked by the unfortunate circumstance; this is probably going to happen after you’ve had your AirPods for a while.

Whether you have the Pro or the original AirPods, issues start to arise after about three years. Usually, this is with the AirPods themselves but problems can still occur with the case.

Most Airpods have a full-year warranty so if you have to take them to the Apple store, you will most likely get them replaced for free. In the website’s section where you can choose the AirPods issue you’re having.

Conclusion on Why Does One Airpod Die Faster

As you can see, there are numerous possibilities as to why does one Airpod die faster.

One AirPod’s battery life will deplete more quickly if it is used more frequently than the other. The fact that only one AirPod is set up to use Siri, which can drain that AirPod’s battery, is another reason why one AirPod may last longer than the other.

You ought to be able to resolve the issue by attempting the solutions I’ve provided.

The best customer service is available from Apple if all else fails.

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Why Does One Airpod Not Work?

Check the charge status on your iPhone or iPad to make sure that each AirPod is charging. Insert the two AirPods into each ear. To test both AirPods, play audio. If an AirPod still isn’t working, reset your AirPods or contact Apple Support.

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With multiple charges in your case, you get up to 30 hours of listening time, or up to 24 hours of talk time.

Why Does One Airpod Not Charging?

Sometimes, one of your AirPods or AirPods Pro may fail to charge properly because they are not in contact with the charging plate at the base of your charging case.

Why Does My Right Airpod Keep Dying?

It might be because you’re using one more frequently, the battery or charging case has been harmed, or you’ve been charging them for an excessive amount of time.