How Long Does the Hourglass Last on Snapchat? Answered


One of these icons that communicate information about your Snapchat usage is the hourglass. Have you wondered how long does the hourglass last on Snapchat? You will find the answer in this post.

After months of continuous use, the hourglass indicator may display up to seven hours of warning. However, if your streak is only a few days old, the icon might only appear for two hours.

Here is all the information you require regarding the Hourglass icon, including its duration and initial appearance.

What is the Hourglass Symbol on Snapchat?

Now, if you’re still unclear about what the hourglass means on Snapchat, know that you’re not the only one, and that this article is here to clarify.

If you see an hourglass indicator, it means that your streak with a friend is about to end and you have a short window of time to extend your streak and erase the hourglass icon.

Snapstreak users are alerted when their streak is about to come to an end by the appearance of this, which is a message to take action immediately. This icon makes it easier for users to remember to send each other snaps in order to continue the SnapStreak.

The streak’s length is solely based on the total number of photos that a user has taken and sent to other users. Text messages and sticker messages are not included in SnapScore calculations on Snapchat.

If neither party takes any action, the streak will end and an hourglass will appear next to the user’s profile and the profile of the person with whom the streak is being shared.

How Long Does the Hourglass Last?

How Long Does the Hourglass Last on Snapchat

It’s time to address yet another hot question: how long does the timer last on snap? If you want to continue a Snapstreak, the hourglass is not a promising sign for the future.

Until you and your friends decide to end the streak, either individually or collectively, you’ll need to keep your Snapchat game strong.

Several Snapchat users claim that the hourglass lasts for 2 to 3 hours before breaking your streak. Many others, on the other hand, believe it lasts between 4 and 7 hours.

Due to an adequate lack of details on the assistance page,there is no pertinent answer to how long does hourglass last on Snapchat?

Some speculate that the elusive era exists because not all streaks receive equal attention. After months of continuous use, the hourglass sign may flash up to 7 hours of warning. If your streak is only a few days old, the symbol might only be visible for two hours.

How to Get Rid of the Hourglass on Snapchat?

We can figure out how long it takes for the hourglass symbol to appear since we don’t know how long it will persist. According to Snapchat, you must send at least one snap to the person on the other end of the streak every day. The hourglass is struck every 24 hours.

These strategies can help you avoid worrying about Snapchat’s dwindling hourglass timer.

Maintain a Routine

Keeping a routine is one of the simplest ways to continue the Snapstreak and avoid the hourglass. Setting a time for sending snaps to your friends is necessary. Snapchat’s hourglass can be avoided with relative ease by setting a time.

Inform the Other User

If you see that your friend has not been responding to your snaps for some time, call them. This is one method of avoiding the hourglass icon. You can be sure that your streak will be continued if you let your friend know in advance.

Send a Blank Snap

Send a Blank Snap

You can send blank images if you’re just sending a snap to keep up your streak. Any surface will do to take a blurry or blank photo with your camera. You can easily keep up a streak if you simply send your friend that picture.

What to Do If Hourglass Icon Appears Despite Maintaining a Snapstreak?

In a few instances, the user’s sincerity in continuing their Snapstreak has been called into question when the hourglass icon first appears and then, eventually, the lit/fire icon vanishes.

It’s best in this situation to get in touch with Snapchat support and let them know about the issue.

The hourglass icon will vanish and the Snapstreak icon will reappear next to your profile after the Snapchat support team has resolved your issue.

Final Words: How Long Does the Hourglass Last on Snapchat

If you don’t see the hourglass right away, you could have a few hours remaining to continue the streak. To trade Snaps, please get in touch with your friend as soon as you can.

That’s everything there would be to know about the streak timer and its functions on Snapchat. We believe this has addressed all of your inquiries regarding Snapchat’s hourglass.

If you put in some effort for a short while, you might get used to it very quickly. Once you’ve adjusted for a short while, switching to the new method of sharing photos and engaging in conversation is very easy.

Read More:


When Does the Hourglass Appear on Snapchat?

If the hourglass emoji appears next to your friend’s name on Snapchat, it means your streak with that person is ending soon.

Does the Hourglass Appear on Both Sides?

Yes, they do. The hourglass emoji can be seen by both friends because it is displayed on both sides.

Can One Person Keep a Streak Alive?

No, Snapchat requires both participants to send Snaps at least once in 24 hours to keep the Snapstreak alive.