How to Get Goat Horn in Minecraft? Guide 2023

How to Get Goat Horn in Minecraft

One of the newest items in Minecraft is a goat horn, but getting one can be challenging. So how to get goat horn in Minecraft?

The addition of goat horns to the goats’ exclusive drop list is one of the update’s many distinctive features. More enjoyable than using them at all is simply getting them.

So let’s go ahead and learn how to get a goat horn in The simplest techniques are used to build Minecraft.

What Are Goat Horns and What Do They Do?

Goats have been in You’ll be bothered by Java and Bedrock Editions of Minecraft for a while as they scream and smash things. There was nothing more you could do with them than milk them or breed them.

Goats now occasionally drop their horns when ramming into solid blocks since the 1.19 update, though. These horns aren’t just for show; you can blow on them to produce a distinctive sound.

How to Get Goat Horn in Minecraft

The best thing is that the horn can be heard by other players at a very long range (up to 256 blocks), making it the best tool for signaling your teammates in multiplayer mode, except for beacons, of course.

However, you cannot simply keep using horns indefinitely; regardless of how many you have, there is a six-second cooldown before you can play a horn in your inventory once more.

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How to Get Goat Horns in Minecraft?

Getting a goat horn can be a bit dangerous, as it requires players to put themselves directly in harm’s way. A goat will square up and make an attempt to ram a stationary object that is 4–16 blocks away from it every 30–300 seconds.

Goats will target creatures, armor stands, or any mob that isn’t another goat, dealing damage if it lands the blow. They will not target players on If a player is targeted, they can avoid being rammed if they get out of the way after it has lowered its head on the peaceful difficulty.

To get a goat horn, players must do exactly that. They can easily move away from danger by luring a goat to ram them. If the goat then collides with a solid block before coming to a stop, it will drop either one or two goat horns.

Players should deftly place themselves between a goat and a solid block, but keep their backs against the block while doing so, and then wait for the goat to attack.

Read More:

How to Farm Goat Horns in Minecraft?

Enclosing oneself in a 9×9 room with a goat is a simple way for players to ensure victory. The goat will always be at least four blocks away thanks to this.

A ceiling should also be added to prevent their escape, as goats can jump up to ten blocks high. The player should always remain as still as possible, pressed up against the wall that is farthest from the goat.

When the goat becomes enraged, which can take up to five minutes, players can quickly avoid its attack and let it smash into the wall. There is one caveat, however, and it is that the walls must be made out of one of the following blocks:

  • Logs
  • Stone
  • Packed Ice
  • Copper Ore
  • Iron Ore
  • Emerald Ore

With regard to convenience, logs are unquestionably the best choice.

There are two different kinds of goats in the game, regular goats and screaming goats. Only screaming goats can be used to obtain the remaining four of the game’s eight horns; regular goats cannot be used to obtain the other four.

A screaming goat, which spawns with a 1/50 chance and resembles other goats in appearance but prefers to scream and ram more frequently, is a goat that has no natural defenses. In the absence of any naturally occurring screamers, a player can use wheat to breed ordinary goats until they produce a screamer.

Once a player gets a screaming goat, they can breed that goat with regular goats, giving higher odds of the baby being a screamer. There is a 50% chance that the offspring of a screaming goat will also be a screaming goat.

If both parents scream, the child will undoubtedly scream as well on Java, but there is a 2% chance that they won’t scream on Bedrock.

What Types of Goat Horns Are Available in Minecraft?

The eight goat horns available are:

  • Ponder
  • Sing
  • Seek
  • Feel
  • Admire (screaming goats)
  • Call (screaming goats)
  • Yearn (screaming goats)
  • Dream (screaming goats)

“Dream” is instead called “Resist” in Bedrock Edition.

A goat’s appearance is changed to reflect the loss of one of its horns whenever this occurs.

After that, players can farm the goat’s second horn using the same procedure, but since the second horn’s type will always be the same as the first, players who are trying to collect them all shouldn’t waste their time doing so.

Where Can You Get Goat Horns in Minecraft?

Contrary to popular belief, you cannot obtain goat horns by killing goats. Goats only lose their horns when they ram into a solid object.

You have to wait around a goat – found in mountainous biomes – and pick up the horns as they drop. It wouldn’t take long before you found yourself surrounded by them because they frequently ram stationary blocks.

Stone, coal ore, copper ore, iron ore, emerald ore, log, and packed ice are the only substances that can break goat horns. Even though only four of the possible types of goat horns can be found in pillager outpost chests, they can still spawn there. In the section after this, there is more information.

Conclusion: How to Get Goat Horn in Minecraft

If you want to get all goat horn variants, however, be prepared for a long wait. Large goat herds are uncommon, and there are eight different varieties of horns. Even more uncommon, screaming goats are the only sources of four of these variants.

If you were already breeding goats, of course, everything would be much easier. Simply entice them into a small area, then watch as they ram the block and let out their horns.

They’ll try to ram you as well if you remain motionless, so be prepared to move aside.


What Are the Chances of Getting a Goat Horn in Minecraft?

That’s obviously a tough ask considering there’s only a two percent chance of one of these spawning.

Can You Get Goat Horns by Killing Goats in Minecraft?

Goats only drop experience orbs when killed. To get goat horns, you must turn the goat ram into solid blocks.

What is the Rarest Horn in Minecraft?

As you might have noticed, half of the goat horns in Minecraft can only be obtained from the screaming goat.