How to Half Swipe on Snapchat? Ultimate Guide 2023

How to Half Swipe on Snapchat

If you want to know how to half swipe on Snapchat, this post is right for you.

Have you ever wanted to read a Snapchat message but not let the sender know that you did so? You can, with a half swipe (also called a half slide).

We’ll show you how to half-swipe on Snapchat, which involves partially opening the message but releasing it before it fully opens.

What Exactly is Half Swiping on Snapchat?

A half swipe, as the name implies, is a swipe across your screen but not a complete one. This trick allows you stealthily read messages without senders knowing/

Snapchat may already notify the sender when you read their message. You can read the message with a half swipe, but neither Snapchat nor the sender will be aware that you did so. This is due to the fact that, technically, you aren’t opening the message, so Snapchat won’t send a read receipt.

Note that this trick only works for reading messages; you can’t view Snaps with a half swipe.

How to Half Swipe on Snapchat? Step By Step

How to Half Swipe on Snapchat

As we mentioned earlier, half swiping on Snapchat isn’t complicated, but it may take a few tries before you get used to the process and get it done successfully. Here’s how to half swipe on Snapchat:

Step 1: Your mobile device should now be open to the Snapchat app.

Step 2: Select the Chat icon to view your chat messages. To view your chat messages, you can also swipe your screen from left to right.

Step 3: Choose an unread chat message to swipe half of. Lightly tap and hold the Profile icon of the sender of the message you wish to half swipe. To read a message without fully opening it, swipe your finger across the screen from left to right.

As you drag your finger across the screen, your message will be displayed on the message screen that has expanded across your device. Don’t just let go of the message screen when you’re finished. Drag your finger back from right to left, to its original position, to close the message screen.

Can You Still Half-swipe on Snapchat?

You can still only half-swipe on Snapchat, yes. To be effective, this must be completed correctly.

  • In the past, you could prevent the sender from knowing you’ve opened a message by activating Airplane Mode and clearing the app’s cache, but these techniques are no longer effective.
  • With this current method, you’ll be able to read messages and Snaps without notifying the sender.
  • Both iOS and Android devices can be used with this method.

Final Words on How to Half Swipe on Snapchat

With half swipe on Snapchat, you are able to preview the message without the sender ever knowing you’ve actually read it. This is very popular because it obviously has a ton of covert advantages.

That’s all there is to doing a half swipe on Snapchat if you were able to follow the instructions above.

Of course, we do not advocate ignoring users on social media, but we do recognize that sometimes features like these can be incredibly helpful.If you want to learn more about Snapchat tricks and tips, read our posts below:


Does Snapchat Half Swipe Still Work 2023?

Yes, Snapchat still lets you half-swipe.

How Do You Half Swipe a Chat on Snapchat?

Tap and hold on a person’s icon in Snapchat’s “Chat” screen. While reading the message, carefully drag to the right (but don’t release).

Why Can’t I Half Swipe on Snapchat Anymore?

The only work around to avoid losing the half swipe seems to be turning off auto updates. Snapchat’s update must be undone in order to restore the ability to half swipe messages.