How to See Mutual Friends on Snapchat? Guide 2023

How to See Mutual Friends on Snapchat

Snapchat is an excellent app for chatting and connecting with friends, but does it allow users to check each other’s mutual friends? How to see mutual friends on Snapchat? In our post, we’ll talk about this question.

Mutual friends on social media sites can be very helpful in introducing people to others who share their interests and social circles. Moreover, seeing mutual friends can strengthen relationships with new contacts by fostering a sense of familiarity and security.

This article explained how to view mutual friends on Snapchat and add them to your friend list.

What Are Mutual Friends on Snapchat?

On Snapchat, everyone has their friends who appear on the friend list. Your friends’ friends are also their friends, so if you discover that someone on your friend list and a Snapchat friend of yours are also friends, that person is now a mutual friend. Mutual friends can be the people your friends follow or people in the same groups you are part of.

The good side of viewing mutual friends is that you can choose to add them as your friends instead of adding strangers. Due to its perceived safety, people trust the joint link.

How to See Mutual Friends on Snapchat?

How to See Mutual Friends on Snapchat

Snapchat offers a privacy feature that restricts the information that users can access, making it impossible to see your friends’ friends. You can view your shared Snapchat friends by following the instructions listed below.

  1. Open the Snapchat app and log in to your Snapchat account.
  2. Under your profile page, click the Bitmoji next to the search icon.
  3. Scroll down until you reach the “Friends” category.
  4. Click the “Add Friends” option.
  5. Below the “Added Me” section, you will see the “Quick Add” section.
  6. The “Quick Add” section highlights Snapchat users and your friends. Scroll down, and you will note that you will sometimes see “x+ Mutual Friends” next to the user. The “x” represents the number of mutual friends you share with the friend.
  7. To add mutual friends, click the “Add” next to the user’s name.

Note that any friend you add from mutual friends will receive a notification that you added them by “Quick Add”. However, you can avoid this by simply copying their username instead and adding them by searching them on Snapchat using their username.

The same applies for blocking a mutual friend from showing up on the list by clicking the cross next to them. That’s a smart move for avoiding some people.

Also Read: How to Reactivate Snapchat Account?

How to Block Appearing on Mutual Friends on Snapchat

By default, other people’s lists of shared friends may contain your username. However, you don’t have to appear on their list. There is a method for hiding. You ought to be okay if you follow the instructions below.

  1. On your Snapchat account, open the “Privacy Settings” tab.
  2. Scroll down until you see the “Quick Add” feature section.
  3. Navigate to the “See me” option.
  4. Toggle it off.

That’s it; you can now use Snapchat to protect your privacy by hiding yourself so that no one, not even your ex, family, or crush, can find you through the mutual friends tab.

Read More: How to Tell If Someone Unadded You on Snapchat?

Will Snapchat Tell You If Someone Has Mutual Friends?

Mutual Friends

If you and someone else have mutual friends, Snapchat won’t reveal it. The only way to find out if someone has mutual friends with you is by viewing the “Quick Add” feature in the app.

A list of users that Snapchat’s algorithm has recommended for you can be found here. If this is the case, a number under their username indicating the number of friends you have in common with them will let you know.

Takeaway: How to See Mutual Friends on Snapchat

So that is all you need to know about how to see mutual friends on Snapchat. Although you can’t see who your friends are on Snapchat, you can see which users have similar friends to you.

Whether or not there are mutual friends, keep in mind that not everyone will want to add a stranger.

In fact, until they try to add you back, the person you add won’t even be aware that you share friends.

If not, they will only see a complete stranger add them to their Snapchat friends list.

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