What Do Bats Eat in Minecraft? Answered 2023
If you enjoy playing Minecraft, you already know that there are a lot of surprises out there. Bats are one such surprise: these creatures may seem harmless enough, but did you know that what do bats eat in Minecraft?
Bats in video games require specific foods to survive, just like humans do. And knowing what these animals eat is crucial if you want your virtual bat population to flourish.
So don’t worry; I’m here to explain what bats in Minecraft eat specifically and offer some advice on how to best ensure their survival (and yours!).
About Minecraft Bats
Minecraft bats are passive flying mobs that spawn in dark areas underground, most commonly in caves. Smaller than a block in size, these hordes frequently move in what appears to be an arbitrary fashion.
They act like a real bat would when at rest, perched upside-down on the underside of a solid block and letting out random bat cries.
Additionally, they aren’t the friendliest mobs around because they tend to flee when a player gets too accustomed to being too close to them.
They also despawn when the player wanders too far from them in vanilla Minecraft, where they mostly serve aesthetic purposes.
What Do Bats Eat in Minecraft?

Surprisingly, Bats do not eat much in Minecraft, but Some of the things they frequently join have already been mentioned.
Continue reading to learn about the typical items that bats in Minecraft stuff into their stomachs.
Food Items eaten by bats in Minecraft:
- Flying souls that are so tiny they can be caught.
- even other bats, chickens, and bees.
- They can invert bees from a block, mount them, and chew the bee until it vanishes.
- mushrooms (located in various biomes).
Bats serve little purpose in terms of gameplay from the outside because they have to fill the dimly lit bottom of the world with their screeching cries. So let’s learn how to domesticate bats and use them in the game.
Also Read: What Do Dolphins Eat in Minecraft?
Can You Feed Bats in Minecraft?
Bats in the base game currently only serve as decorative elements. They’re what you can call “atmospheric mobs,” mobs that only spawn to enhance the atmosphere of a specific biome (in this case, the cave terrain).
You can’t just remove these local animals from the scene if you want to accurately simulate a spelunking experience.
However, in exchange, bats do only just that: emulate the experience by becoming a prop of the environment, and nothing more.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise that there are a number of mods for Minecraft that let you tame a bat since mods can obviously expand the game beyond the boundaries that the creators set.
Conclusion: What Do Bats Eat in Minecraft
Vanilla Minecraft may not have done justice to many bat lovers out there among the playerbase, but dedicated independent developers with great love for the game and to these special critters allow their existence in the game to be more than just mere “atmospheric mobs.”
These initially bothersome flying creatures that annoy your eardrums each time you enter a cave may now turn out to be your best friend and travel companion, evolving along with you.