What Do Cows Eat in Minecraft? Things to Know
Cows are a peaceful, passive mob in Minecraft often found roaming around the overworld dimension. So what do cows eat in Minecraft? Here is everything cows eat in the game.
Cows, like many other mobs in Minecraft, eat wheat. Feeding them will cause red hearts to appear above its head.
Cows eat wheat in addition to grass. Keep reading to find out more about cows eating in Minecraft.
What Cows Are Good For?
Cows are a great choice for farming because they can provide you with a number of resources. First off, each adult Cow yields 0–2 Leather and 1–3 Raw Beef. Raw Beef can be cooked into Steak, which is one of the best food items in the game.
Books and other significant items must also be made out of leather. To make Bookshelves to enhance your enchanting, you’ll need a ton of Books, therefore a Cow farm could be a great solution.
A different option is to use empty buckets on cows to obtain milk buckets. Milk, when consumed, will remove negative status effects, so having some on hand can be a real life-saver if you get poisoned.
Furthermore, you can make a Cake using Milk Buckets, which is another fantastic food.
What Do Cows Eat in Minecraft?

Let’s see what cows eat in Minecraft!
Grass makes up the bulk of a cow’s diet. On dirt blocks, there is grass that they can consume. It’s not unusual for cows kept as pets in stables to graze on the grass. This can occasionally make stables appear neglected, but most of the time it only enhances the appeal that certain stable builds have for the farm life.
Cows eat wheat in addition to grass. Wheat cannot be picked up or eaten from the ground by cows; they can only be fed wheat by the player.
Cows in close proximity to the player will rush toward them when they have wheat in their hands in an effort to eat it. The cows will practically beg the player to give them the wheat.
By performing a right-click on the cow holding the grain, players can feed it to it. The cows will develop romantic tendencies after eating this food. It is possible for two cows to mate when they are deeply in love. This creates baby cows, which are both adorable and tiny. Some experience points (XP) for breeding animals are also included with this baby.
The cow must cool down for about five minutes following breeding before being given more wheat to breed again. Each Minecraft world has a specific number of mobs that can spawn in that area. When this number is reached with cows, the player will no longer be able to feed cows wheat, and the cows will no longer be able to breed with each other.
Other Facts Worth Mentioning
There are currently no other foods, materials, blocks, or items in Minecraft that cows will consume. They do, however, produce milk, which players can collect with buckets. To milk a cow, all a player needs to do is place a bucket in their inventory hand and right-click on the animal. The players will be able to drink it, but the cow won’t be able to.
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Where to Find Cows?

If you’re playing the Java Edition of Minecraft, you can find Anywhere there is grass and room for them to roam. Specifically, Cows will spawn in all biomes except Snowy Plains, Meadows, and Wooded Badlands. If there are at least 2 free blocks where their bodies can fit and the light level is greater than 7, they will only spawn. The number of cows that can spawn on grassy dirt blocks depends on whether these conditions are satisfied. 5 percent of cows will have calves.
There are some variations to cow spawning in the Bedrock Edition. Cows will only spawn if the light level is greater than 9, despite the biome and physical space parameters being the same. Additionally, cows will only spawn in groups of two or three. Cows still have a 5% chance of spawning young, though.
You can also potentially find Cows in the pens of Villages. If you have a lead, you can even lead penned cows to your farm. A Mooshroom will also become a regular Cow if you cut it with a pair of Shears.
What Happens When You Feed Wheat to Cows?
When you feed Wheat to an adult Cow, it will enter love mode. In the event that two adult cows are nearby and are in a state of love, they will mate. The Cows will briefly nuzzle before separating as a result of this. A few seconds later, a baby Cow will spawn next to one of the parent Cows.
To help young cows grow more quickly, you can feed them wheat. One wheat will bring a baby cow 10% closer to adulthood each time you feed it. A newborn cow would typically take 20 minutes to reach full size in the real world. However, feeding them wheat will significantly shorten this period of time. This is also true when feeding various other animal hordes that consume wheat.
Conclusion on What Do Cows Eat in Minecraft
Cows are cute and passive mobs in the They are common yet helpful farm animals in the world of Minecraft that can give you milk, leather, and food, which can then be used to make a variety of other crafts.
Today we learned what cows eat, and how to find them. If you have any other questions, please leave your comments below!
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Pigs don’t eat hay in Minecraft. They only eat 3 things: potatoes, carrots, and beetroots.
What Do Chickens Eat in Minecraft?
Wheat, Pumpkin, Melon, and Beetroot Seeds all can be fed to Chickens.
Do Cows Need Grass Minecraft?
Yes, cows also consume wheat in addition to grass.