What Do Dolphins Eat in Minecraft? Feeding Guide 2023
Do you know what do dolphins eat in Minecraft? In Minecraft, salmon and raw cod are eaten by dolphins. We’ll go over the game’s feeding instructions for dolphins.
Minecraft can be such a wildly confusing experience that’ll leave you scratching your head at the best of times. However, the majority of the big questions in the block-bashing simulator can be answered with common sense.
Feeding a dolphin means taming it and once you have tamed a dolphin it can guide you to the hidden treasures in the deep waters. Here is a thorough feeding manual!
What Do Dolphins Eat in Minecraft?
So what do you feed dolphins in Minecraft?
In Minecraft when a dolphin is killed by a player it drops a raw cod. This information is sufficient to understand what dolphins eat. You can feed dolphins two things:
- Raw cod
- Salmon
Raw Cod
Cod is a type of raw fish that can be found in any ocean, whether it is cold, warm, or lukewarm. Finding them is incredibly simple. The same six or seven people are always found with them. By fishing or using your sword to kill them, you can easily obtain raw cod. They are typically tan in color.
Dolphins in Minecraft consume salmon as well. Any ocean biome can contain salmon. In comparison to raw cod, salmons are larger and pink in color. Salmon are a slightly greenish reddish color.
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How to Feed Dolphins?

To feed dolphins in the new Minecraft update, you will need to equip raw cod either drop it close to the water’s edge or in the water itself.
People shouldn’t feed dolphins on land because they will suffocate there.
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What Happens When You Feed a Dolphin in Minecraft?
After a dolphin turns into your companion, there are a few distinct benefits that you’ll be able to gain out of their companionship. They are:
Aquatic Bodyguard
A dolphin will start protecting you against hostile aquatic mobs like the Guardians after you befriend it. They don’t do much damage, but they can take a lot of hits before they are destroyed. This gives you a chance to flee or—hopefully—fight back and defend your new friend.
Treasure Hunter
You can find undiscovered treasure by feeding the dolphins. All you have to do is follow a dolphin that you have fed. It will direct you to the closest shipwreck, underwater ruin, or hidden treasure. The only factor affecting the rarity of the loot you find inside is chance.
Note: If they use dolphins to search for treasure in the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft, players can also earn the Echolocation achievement.
Speed Boost
Additionally, if you swim next to dolphins, you gain speed. By doing this, you can travel across the ocean much more quickly than you could by boat or by swimming by yourself. Indeed, there are benefits to companionship.
Why You Should Feed Dolphins in Minecraft?
Dolphins can do other things once you earn their trust, but we’ve already mentioned how helpful they are with their “Dolphin’s Grace” speed boost. You will also need a lot of raw fish to win their trust since they tend to travel in groups of three to five.

Aquatic Treasure Hunters
Few players are aware of this, but dolphins will direct you to nearby ocean structures once you’ve made friends with them. This applies not only to ocean monuments, shipwrecks, and other structures with chests, but also to buried treasures that are in the area. Giving them a few pieces of raw fish is all that is necessary.
Now, you can benefit from knowing how dolphins easily target structures. Dolphins will direct you to nearby chests using their targeting system, which can detect nearby chests. Knowing this you can immediately destroy the chest after looting it and have the dolphin lead you to yet another chest that is nearby.
Protectors of the Sea
Adding onto all of the great things that they can do, dolphins will also become your personal bodyguards once you’ve fed them enough fish. This means that they become fiercely protective of you once they start to think of you as a friend, and they will always come to your aid if hostile mobs attack you.
If you want to learn more about Minecraft, read on Minecraft Guide.
How to Tame a Dolphin in Minecraft?
Although it sounds exciting, it is not possible to domesticate dolphins in Minecraft, which will make players sad. The same applies to players riding them. They cannot be tamed, but players can feed them raw cod. Due to the fact that a dolphin will return to the ocean and may jump over various obstacles to do so, it is challenging to accomplish this.
Players can give it food, and in return they will get something useful. It would direct the players to some loot that was hidden in nearby shipwrecks or ruins. Dolphins are thus regarded as being among the best aquatic enemies in the game, even with the 1.17 update.
Final Words on What Do Dolphins Eat in Minecraft
In Minecraft, dolphins are a neutral mob that can be encountered swimming in packs of three to five in ocean biomes.
A dolphin that is fed becomes trained and leads you to shipwrecks or other underwater treasure. Dolphins eat raw fish/cod and salmon. In a variety of ocean biomes, they can both be easily located.
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How Do You Ride a Dolphin in Minecraft?
Dolphins cannot be tamed or ridden in Minecraft.
Do Dolphins in Minecraft Need Food?
Dolphins will only eat fish that is fed to them by a player.
How to Breed Dolphins in Minecraft?
To breed dolphins you must give each a cooked fish.
Why Do My Dolphins Keep Dying in Minecraft?
Dolphins have a breath meter and will need to resurface similar to how the player needs to resurface for air. Dolphins are also a rather awkward size.
Can You Ride Dolphins in Minecraft?
Tragically, the answer is no. It is not possible (as of right now) to tame and ride the dolphins, which is unfortunate as it should definitely be an option.
Do Dolphins Need Air in Minecraft?
Dolphins, however, need to spend some time both in water and occasionally need to surface for air.
What Do Dolphins Do in Minecraft?
In Minecraft, dolphins are an underwater mob. They are known to give players a speed boost in the water near them.
How to Get Dolphins Grace in Minecraft?
Luckily, if there are Dolphins nearby, players can just sprint swim beside these dolphins to get the Dolphin’s grace status impact.