What Do Horses Eat in Minecraft? Answered 2023
Horses make awesome Minecraft creatures! Do you know what do horses eat in Minecraft?
Horses can eat a few different foods in Minecraft. You have a choice of six different foods to feed your horse: sugar, wheat, apples, golden apples, golden carrots, and hay bales. Additionally, each offers various post-feeding effects.
Keep reading and find out more.
What Do Horses Eat in Minecraft?
To tame or breed horses in Minecraft, you should know the food they love. Horses in Minecraft eat sugar, wheat, apple, golden carrot, golden apple, and hay bale. Additionally, the majority of the food produced here can be automatically farmed.
The horses will follow you wherever you go if you use any of the food listed above to entice them. Alternately, you can feed them to any two domesticated horses, and they will begin mating and produce a foal.
Note that using Hay Bale will prevent you from breeding horses.
Also Read: How to Breed Horses in Minecraft?
How to Get Food for Horses in Minecraft?

1. Sugar
Sugar is a substance produced from sugarcane and honey bottles.
You will receive one sugar for each sugarcane you place in the crafting grid. You can also grow your own honey because each bottle contains 3 sugar.
Murdering witches is another method for obtaining sugar. On dying, they leave behind 0–2 sugar, and the Looting III enchantment can leave behind as much as 5 sugar. Witches can be dangerous, so use caution!
2. Wheat
In Minecraft, you can harvest wheat from wheat crops that you plant on farmland using wheat seed.
Keep an eye out for loot chests because wheat is also prevalent in most structures.
3. Apple
The uncommon food item apple is a leaf variant of oak. It has a 0.5% chance to drop just 1 apple when a leave block degrades or is destroyed. With the help of the Fortune III tool, you can raise this likelihood to 0.833%.
The best way to obtain apples in Minecraft is to trade with the farmer villagers, having said that. They exchange one emerald for four apples!
4. Golden Carrot
You can get golden carrots in Minecraft in 3 ways:
- stealing from chests in ruined portals, the remains of bastions, or ancient cities.
- Use 1 carrot and 8 gold nuggets to create a golden carrot.
- Or, if you’re a hermit, trade with the villagers who are skilled farmers. They exchange one emerald for one golden carrot. One of the best ways to get the best food in Minecraft is by doing this!
5. Golden Apple
Golden Apple can be acquired through crafting and chest looting. You need 8 gold ingots, not nuggets like golden carrots, and 1 apple to make one. Compared to making a golden carrot, this is 72 times more expensive.
6. Hay Bale
By placing 9 Wheat on the crafting table, you can create Hay Bale, the best food for horses.
Conclusion: What Do Horses Eat in Minecraft
Feeding your horses the right food for the right situations is important so make sure you know the effects of your horse’s diet.
Maintain a large supply of Hay Bales on your hotbar if you want a combat horse. Make sure to keep some gold on hand for those apples and carrots if you want a lot of baby horses.