What Do Parrots Eat in Minecraft? Guide 2023
With numerous colors and a small shape, the passive mob known as the parrot was introduced in the 1.12 update. So today, we will answer the question “what do parrots eat in Minecraft?”
Parrots can also mimic other nearby hostile mobs‘ sounds. This is a wonderful, distinctive ability that causes Parrots to make friends with lots of players.
Parrots in Minecraft can eat a lot of different seeds including wheat seeds, pumpkin seeds, beetroot seeds, and melon seeds.
Find out more about raising and training a parrot by reading on.
What Do Parrots Eat in Minecraft?
Taming parrots in Minecraft, as mentioned, is easy – give them seeds.
I know it sounds overly basic and even a little monotonous.
You can later give them cookies, but I don’t advise it. That’s because feeding a parrot cookies in Minecraft will kill it instantly.
And that’s kind of not the point. Unless you have a sadistic streak.
You can feed an MC parrot with the following types of seeds:
- Wheat
- Melon
- Pumpkin
- Beetroot
These seeds can be found by harvesting wheat crops, beetroots, or breaking the stems of melons and pumpkins.
Furthermore, as we already mentioned, you cannot feed cookies to parrots in Minecraft.
Luckily, there’s a way to heal them with a Splash potion by throwing it near the bird. That’s fantastic because they are extremely delicate and typically take three hits to kill them.
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How to Breed Parrots in Minecraft?

A parrot cannot reproduce, so there are no breeding procedures for them; however, you must first tame them before breeding them. To gain the trust and respect of a parrot that you are trying to tame, you must make friends with it.
- Find the parrots, which are unique to jungles and will aid you in finishing your task, as a first step. Once you’ve located the parrots, you’ll need to feed them, and they enjoy eating melon, wheat, beetroot, and pumpkin seeds. If you feed them, it will be simpler to keep them under control.
- Once the parrots have been fed, you must wait until the red hearts can see over their shoulders if the food was enjoyed. You will be aware that you have subdued them as soon as you see the red hearts.
- When you squeeze the parrots together, you’ll discover that they won’t breed unless they are experiencing a particular emotion. You can see the breeding process firsthand when the parrots mate.
An egg laid by two parrots can result in the birth of a baby parrot. But only Minecraft’s creative mode makes this possible. It is impossible to get an egg by mating in survival mode.
If you want to learn more about Minecraft, read on Minecraft Guide.
How to Tame a Parrot?

In Minecraft, training parrots is not too difficult.
But the problem is in finding one.
Fortunately, there are spawn eggs or cheat codes. Otherwise, you can find them in the biomes that are covered in jungles.
Remember: you can’t breed them, only tame them.
Consequently, let’s start at the beginning. Buy some parrot food in Minecraft. After that, locate a parrot, add the seeds to the Hotbar, and choose them.
Now you have to feed the bird until it agrees to be your bestie. There might be some convincing involved.
When you succeed, you will see red hearts appear all around it. You’ll be able to direct the parrot when it tries to perch on your shoulder.
Wrap-Up: What Do Parrots Eat in Minecraft
The parrots you find in Minecraft are adorable and helpful friends. They have the ability to imitate mob sounds and will warn you of a hostile animal approaching.
With that said, parrots eat these food items in Minecraft:
- Wheat Seeds
- Melon Seeds
- Beetroot Seeds
- Pumpkin Seeds
But they are also exposed. in particular to cookies.
With cats, you can essentially accomplish the same.
Read More: How to Tame Parrots in Minecraft?
What Do Parrots Do in Minecraft?
In jungle biomes, a parrot can be tamed and is a passive enemy. Parrots mimic the sounds of nearby monsters and can perch on the player’s shoulders.
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