What Does Bane of Arthropods Do in Minecraft? Guide 2023
Because mobs can appear at any time, you must constantly battle for your life in the world of Minecraft. Do you know what does Bane of Arthropods do in Minecraft?
1.0 of Minecraft introduced the classic enchantment known as Bane of Arthropods. It can be applied to a weapon to deal extra damage to arthropod mobs.
Therefore, this enchantment is for you if you detest arthropods.
What Does Bane of Arthropods Do in Minecraft?
The meaning of the word “Bane” is destruction or death. Therefore, the Bane of Arthropods is an evil force that increases the damage that weapons can deal in Minecraft.
All mobs in the class of Arthropods are affected by The Bane of Arthropods. This category includes insects and bugs like spiders, cave spiders, bees, silverfish, and ender mites.
The power of the enchantment will increase with each level, dealing 2.5 more damage per stage.
The five stages of Bane of Arthropods each add 1.25 hearts to the damage. In such a way, you can get up to 6.25 hearts of additional damage for all types of spiders.
Arthropods that were impacted by this enchantment after you obtain it will have Slowness IV added to them for an arbitrary amount of time.
The duration of the effect is determined by the level of enchantment. At level 1, the spell can delay the appropriate foes for 1 to 1.5 seconds. At level five of the enchantment, the result increases by 0.5 seconds for every phase of maximum length, reaching a maximum of 3.5 seconds.
For more information, check the following posts to see different enchantments in Minecraft:
- What Does Lure Do in Minecraft?
- What Does Fortune Do in Minecraft?
- What Does Infinity Do in Minecraft?
- What Does Respiration Do in Minecraft?
Which Mob Will Take Effect of Bane of Arthropods?

Only a few types of arachnids—including spiders, cave spiders, silverfish, endermites, and bees—are covered by the Bane of Arthropods.
It’s really satisfying if you want to kill these mobs quickly because they already have a low health point (16 is the maximum).
Since the enchantment cannot deal any additional damage when used against other monsters, it is useless.
How Much Damage Does Bane of Arthropods Add?
Bane of Arthropods has 5 levels in total. There is an increase of 2.5 damage (or 1.25 hearts) for each level. A Bane of Arthropods level two adds 5 damage, and so forth.
It’s up to 12.5 damage (or 6.25 heart) extra without calculating the base damage of your weapon.
How to Craft Bane of Arthropods?
An enchantment table is required in order to create the enchantment first. Using books, diamond, and obsidian, you can create an enchantment table.
hen using the enchantment table, you need to get the enchantment book. An enchantment book can also be obtained by fishing for treasure and opening hidden chests.
Making the enchanted sword is possible once you have both the book and the sword.
You must obtain the anvil in order to obtain the sword with the arthropod enchantment bane.
Then place the anvil on the ground.
Should You Use Bane of Arthropods in Minecraft?
As told at the beginning of the guide, this enchantment is entirely conditional as there are very few situations the player might want to use.
Because of this, the only plausible primary motivation is getting rid of spiders quickly and gathering string if the player has a Cave-Spider Spawner XP farm (keep an eye out, this guide may be released soon).
Final Words: What Does Bane of Arthropods Do in Minecraft?
I hope this helped you understand what does Bane of Arthropods do in Minecraft in greater detail.
In Minecraft you can enhance your damage level by using enchantments. These work similarly to magic and give you greater weapon power. Another enchantment you can use to combat arthropod enemies like bees, spiders, silverfish, and other similar creatures is called Bane of Arthropods.
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