What Does BMS Mean on Tiktok? (Answered)
Another endearing way for TikTokers to thank other users has been discovered. Do you know what does BMS mean on TikTok?
BMS, in TikTok terms, means “broke my scale“. The scale being discussed is not a weight scale, but rather a scale of attractiveness.
When commenting on other people’s videos on TikTok, users often use the phrase “broke my scale,” which alludes to a person’s physical attractiveness.
Read on to learn more about BMS messaging on TikTok.
What Does BMS Mean on Tiktok?
The acronym BMS on TikTok stands for “Broke My Scale” and it tells something extraordinary.
People may use it on some other social media platforms in addition to TikTok.
Usually, when someone feels that the scale provided cannot accurately capture someone’s appearance or something else. As an illustration, consider the case of rating a video’s content from 1 to 10.

After that, you might feel that ten stars is insufficient for that post because it is so extraordinary. You can use this internet slang, BMS, which shows that it has exceeded your standard appraisal scale.
The easiest situation is when a girl requests feedback on a video that she has uploaded. If you think it’s perfect, it is possible to comment on this: “Girl, that’s so cool, and your video is BMS!”
BMS is, in fact, a salutatory acronym used to express praise for others. It’s particularly true if the people asking for the appraise understand the term as well.
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How is BMS Used?
Users of Snapchat, Instagram, and TikTok frequently request that other users “r8” them or their content. (Yes, this is weird.)
Users occasionally ask others to rate things on a scale of 1 to 10 or 1 to 100. When a user replies with BMS, it indicates that they find the user’s or their content to be absolutely fantastic.
A positive connotation is almost always attached to BMS. Even though scales can theoretically break in either direction, you’ll probably never hear someone use BMS to denote something being extremely bad.
When Should You Use BMS on TikTok?
BMS is typically understood to mean that a user has not only reached the top of the scale of the attraction, but has also effectively “broken” it.
In other words, it means rating someone at an 11 out of 10. BMS has taken the place of words like gorgeous, stunning, breathtaking, and beautiful in the video-making app.
BMS can be used whenever you see a stylish outfit or adorable animal.
Final Words: What Does BMS Mean on Tiktok
On social media, the acronym BMS means “broke my scale.”
It’s a way of saying that something is so exceptional that it defies measurement on a scale of 1 to 10 (or any other numerical scale).
When someone considers the creator physically appealing, you can expect to see “BMS” in the TikTok comment box.