What Does Cancelled Call Mean on iPhone? Guide 2023

What Does Cancelled Call Mean on iPhone

Have you ever wondered what does Cancelled Call mean on iPhone? Have you ever seen a message that reads “call cancelled”?

A canceled call on an iPhone means that the call went through but it was disconnected.

I’ll briefly explain what cancelled calls are in this article and how they differ from dropped or declined calls.

What Does Cancelled Call Mean on iPhone?

A canceled call on your iPhone means that the call went through successfully, but the caller canceled it even before the receiving end picks the call up or goes to voicemail.

It’s canceled because the call was not properly received by the recipient and due to this, it’s showing as “canceled” in the logs.

Contrary to what most people believed in, cancelled calls are different from dropped calls (missed calls), because usually, it’s canceled or stopped by the caller, not the receiver.

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Why Your Call is Getting Cancelled?

One reason why a call may show up as cancelled on your iPhone is that the call was terminated before it was connected. There are several reasons why this might occur, including the other person’s phone being off or out of service, not having enough signal to connect the call, or changing their mind about calling.

What Does Cancelled Call Mean on iPhone

You can try calling the person again later to see if they answer if you believe this is the reason your call was disconnected.

Another possibility is that the call was terminated by your iPhone. This may occur if your signal is weak or if you are trying to use an unsupported carrier to make an international call.

You will typically see a message on the screen explaining why the call was canceled if it happens on your iPhone. In this situation, you might want to consider switching carriers or moving to a location with a better signal.

The last reason for the canceled calls is a low or insufficient prepaid balance. The call will end and you will receive a message stating that the call was cancelled if there is not enough money in your prepaid account to complete the call.

Therefore, you will need to top off your account if it has a low or no balance before you can place another call.

How Can You Fix Cancelled Calls on Your iPhone?

If you are having trouble with cancelled calls on your iPhone, you can try the solutions given below.

  • Verify the signal strength on your iPhone. Try moving to a different location if the area where you are is experiencing signal problems.
  • Restart your iPhone. This will sometimes reset the network connection and allow you to make calls without the “Cancelled Call” error message.
  • Retest after turning off Wi-Fi calling. It might be difficult for you to place regular phone calls if you have this feature enabled on your iPhone.
  • Install the newest iOS version on your iPhone. Apple frequently makes software updates that boost the iPhone’s cellular connection’s functionality.
  • Finally, you can try updating or restoring your iPhone’s network settings. It’s possible that some problems could develop as a result of out-of-date knowledge. To reset network settings, go to Settings >> General >> Reset and then select “network settings reset.” This should reset any customized network settings you have made and, hopefully, solve the problem.

You can seek assistance from Apple Support or your carrier if you are still having issues. They could help troubleshoot the problem or provide more suggestions.

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Does a Cancelled Call Mean the Call Was Declined?

No, a cancelled call does not mean that a call was declined. A cancelled call will only happen if you are the one that ends the call.

Instead of being disconnected, voicemail is what happens when a call is declined.

Although technically you were able to connect to their phone, the call won’t be marked as “cancelled” when you check your call log later via the phone app; rather, the correct call status will be displayed.

Naturally, just because you reach voicemail does not imply that your call was rejected.

It’s possible that the receiver was simply unavailable or had some other reason not to respond.

What is the Difference Between a Cancelled and a Dropped Call?

Actually, dropped calls and cancelled calls are two entirely different things.

As was already mentioned, cancelled calls are those that are voluntarily ended before the call recipient ever picks up the phone; at this point, neither of you have connected or started speaking.

Dropped calls on the other hand are calls that disconnected on their own, by no fault of either party. Calls frequently end up being dropped as a result of poor coverage or problems connecting to your cellular provider. In some circumstances, damaged SIM cards can also cause calls to drop.

When a call is dropped on iPhone, your screen will show a message stating ‘Call Failed’ with the option to call them back right away.

Consider using FaceTime audio, which uses Wi-Fi rather than your phone’s cellular network, to call someone if you have a Wi-Fi connection and they have an iPhone and you are both connected to one.

Conclusion: What Does Cancelled Call Mean on iPhone

A cancelled call simply means that you (as the dialer) hung up before the call could go through.

The call will not be marked as cancelled if you let it go all the way to voicemail. A call is considered cancelled only when you hang up before it is picked up, or it reaches voicemail.

Keep this guide handy so that the next time you ask and think about searching, what does canceled call mean iPhone, you know where to go!


Does Cancelled Call Mean Blocked?

A “Cancelled Call” entry indicates that you were in the process of making a call and hung up before either the other person answered or the call went to voicemail.

What Does “Cancelled Call” in My Recent Calls List Mean?

If you’ve seen the term “cancelled call” in your recent calls list, it means that the call was cancelled before it connected.

What is the Difference Between a “Missed Call” and a “Cancelled Call”?

Your call will be canceled if it is dropped because of a poor signal or insufficient credit. When the other party does not pick up, your call is missed. This goes on your missed calls list.