What Does Infinity Do in Minecraft? Full Guide 2023
What does infinity do in minecraft? Infinity is an enchantment that is used for bows that prevent normal arrows from being eaten up after being shot once. How to access this tool in-game will be covered.
You can shoot infinite arrows if you get your hands on something called the “Infinity” enchantment.
Let’s therefore discover how to obtain the infinity enchantment in Minecraft quickly and simply. Let’s first talk about what it is and its advantages and disadvantages.
What is the Infinity Enchantment?
The infinity enchantment in Minecraft only has an impact on bows. The player’s ability to shoot arrows indefinitely is the only result of this enchantment.
The infinity enchantment does not have levels, which is a slight departure from the majority of Minecraft’s enchantments. As a result, it will always be on level one of the same tier.
The enchantment of infinity can coexist peacefully with other enchantments. However, you cannot combine it with the “mending” enchantment.
Additionally, the arrows must be regular; spectral arrows, for instance, won’t work.
You must have at least one arrow in your inventory for this enchantment to function, which is crucial information to know. Even after you shoot the bow, the arrow won’t vanish from your inventory.
As a final result, if you used a bow that has the infinity enchantment, none of the arrows you released will be retrievable.
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What Does Infinity Do in Minecraft
When an arrow is drawn back by an infinity bow, a portion of the arrow’s power is stored in the infinity enchantment before the arrow is fired. When a player fires the infinity powered enchant arrow at a mob or block, all targets that take damage do so fully and unabatedly, unaffected by other mobs.
This happens because an infinitely enchanted arrow will continue to cause full damage even after it is stopped.
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How to Get the Infinity Enchantment?
Let’s look at some of the quick ways to obtain the enchantment since it appears to be something legendary but there are many ways to duplicate items in Minecraft, so let’s look at those ways first.
Start with the most difficult one. Fishing is one of my favorite in-game activities, despite the fact that I am aware it can be extremely boring.
In addition to fish, it offers a lot of other random items, which makes it quite resourceful.
For instance, it’s not unusual to find enchanted objects or even enchantment books in the water. In one of my Minecraft sessions, I pulled out an enchanted fishing rod that had the good fortune of the sea.
After that, fishing became a lot simpler way to obtain better goods.
An enchanted book with the infinity trait can thus be discovered by fishing, and it would be a major coup. As it can take some time to obtain the desired enchanted book, relying solely on this method would be extremely risky.
It should be noted that using an unenchanted fishing rod, the likelihood of catching an enchanted book is 0.8%.
Let’s now examine the likelihood of catching enchanted books using rods endowed with the Luck of the Sea perk.
- Tier 1: 1.2%
- Tier 2: 1.5%
- Tier 3: 1.9%
It’s crucial to realize that these chances apply to books with any kind of enchantment, not just the infinity one.
Making an AFK fishing farm would be a good way to get the most out of your fishing investment. By doing so, you can fish out valuable loot without getting tired of just standing around and gazing at your rod’s wobbling.
Librarian Villagers
When you stumble into a village, keep an eye out for the library. Check the items he is willing to trade if you are fortunate enough to stumble upon a village with a librarian.

Find a book on infinity enchantments, and you’re good to go.
Building your own village is another way to pursue this strategy. Therefore, if you use this strategy, be sure to train as many villagers as you can to become librarians.
You must place a lectern nearby in order to turn an unemployed villager into a librarian. One strategy involves putting young villagers in a small area with lecterns.
It is not impossible to come across a villager who will trade for an infinity enchantment book. But be sure to carry at least five to nineteen emeralds, which is the usual price for them.
You can try manually altering the biomes in Minecraft if you’re having trouble finding a village.
Enchanting in the Table
The best method for enchanting an item is using the enchantment table. Bows can be produced with a new enchantment if the right conditions are met.
The infinity enchantment may not always be obtained using this method.
For instance, since the enchantment table can grant perks at random, you might get unlucky if you don’t have another option besides purchasing the infinity enchantment.
Even so, if you choose to take that path, be sure to have three lapis lazuli and a player level of at least 30. After that, all you have to do is put something—a book or a bow—in the enchantment slot and pray for the best.
Chest Loot
Enchanted books are frequently found on loot chests in dungeons, mineshafts, temples, pillager outposts, old cities, and other places. For instance, during one of my most recent Minecraft sessions, I discovered an infinity enchanted book hidden inside a mineshaft spider spawn room.
Although this method is undoubtedly more difficult and time-consuming than the fishing one, it is still possible.
Stronghold libraries have significantly higher odds of containing enchanted books than other types of loot chests, with odds ranging from 67% to 72%.
An enchanted book on mineshafts, dungeons, or woodland mansions is still somewhat likely to be found—about 14% of the time.
There is a 21% to 23% chance of finding enchanted books in desert temples and water ruins, and an 11% chance in pillager outposts.
You will have to rely on luck to find the infinity book because, similar to fishing, these chances only apply to enchanted books as a whole.
If you want to learn more about Minecraft, read on Minecraft Guide.
Final Words: What Does Infinity Do in Minecraft
For bows, Infinity is a good but not the best enchantment. Sharpness and Fire are both superior because you don’t need as many of them to deal the same amount of damage, and they both have the ability to set things on fire or pierce armor.
Let’s say you were successful in your search for a book that had the infinity enchantment on it, discovered one, or got lucky at the enchantment table, and the enchanted book is now in your possession.
Making the magical book transition from a perk to a bow is the next step.
The bow should be placed next to the book after making an anvil and moving toward it. A bow with the infinity enchantment will be the end product because this will be a recipe.
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How Rare is the Infinity Enchantment?
The libraries in strongholds would be the best places to look if you were looking for it by looting chests.
What is the Minimum Level Requirement for Enchanting a Bow With Infinity?
The required level is 21, at the very least.
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Mending is one of the most powerful enchantments in Minecraft that essentially allows the players to restore the durability of certain items and make them stronger with the help of EXP (experience) orbs.
Can You Have Both Mending and Infinity on the Same Bow?
The game doesn’t let you put both on the same bow naturally, at least not without using commands, but you can.
What Does Smite Do in Minecraft?
The Smite enchantment is simple and serves as a buff to the damage dealt. Smite, to be more precise, increases the damage dealt to undead enemies. Smite enchantment only works on swords and axes, and it has five levels.