What Does LMR Mean on Snapchat? Things to Know
LMR is a term commonly used on Snapchat, Instagram, and other social media platforms — here’s everything you need to know about what does LMR mean on Snapchat, and when to use it.
The slang and acronyms of today can be challenging to keep up with. There are numerous terms used on social media sites like Snapchat and Instagram, some of which can be confusing at first.
LMR stands for “Like My Recent” and promotes your recently posted content on social media. Continue reading to learn more about this well-known Snapchat slang.
What Does LMR Mean on Snapchat and Instagram?
On social media, LMR most often stands for ‘Like My Recent.’ A “recent” usually refers to the most recent photo someone has uploaded to Instagram, though it can also refer to someone’s TikTok posts.
People may use the hashtag LMR along with a screenshot of the relevant post in their stories on Snapchat and Instagram to entice their followers and friends to visit and “like” the post.’
LMR, however, is applied in real life as well. To ask you more directly to interact with their most recent social media post, someone may send you a message using the phrase to either just you or a group chat.
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What Does LMR Mean on Snapchat Other Than “Like My Recent?”

“LMR” can mean a lot of other things, like “Last Minute Reaction” or “Last-minute opposition.” Internet acronym usage can vary greatly depending on the context in which they are used. Other synonyms which can be used in place of “LMR” are “Like my New,” “Like my Latest,” or “like my most recent post.“
When is LMR Used on Snapchat and Instagram?
Close friends, family members, and others frequently use Snapchat. Instagram has a larger user base. The more connections you have on Instagram, the more you’ll have on Snapchat. Facebook is the same way (and Facebook can also use these abbreviations).
So, when you say LMR, or add hashtag When you ask your friends to LMR (#LMR) to a post on Facebook or Instagram, you’re typically asking them to like a recent image or video that you’ve posted. Although there are no likes on Snapchat, users can still respond to your stories with comments or likes.
You can respond to or comment on Instagram stories just like other posts. Given that stories are limited to 24 hours on all social media platforms, the story format is particular. It’s great if you don’t want a post to remain on your profile permanently.
You typically want to have as many likes and comments as you can for content that will be around forever, like videos and photos. More people will see a post if it contains a lot of each because it is more visible across the platform.
Your brand-new profile picture, posts about your company, etc. are the best candidates for the LMR tag. If you want more attention, you should include LMR in your post as a hashtag or create an Instagram or Snapchat story about your most recent upload.
Example Conversations on the Usage of “LMR”
Now you have known the LMR meaning Snapchat. Below are two sample usages of the “LMR” on Instagram.
Example 1: Conversation Between Friends
Friend 1: “What about doing me a favor, please? It won’t take more than a minute.”
Friend 2: “Sure, what’s up bro?”
Friend 1: “Whenever you have time, could you please stop by my profile and LMR post?”
Friend 2: “I’m studying right now, sure thing buddy. When I have time, I will do it!”
Friend 1: “Thanks, man!”
Example 2: Influencer in a Story
Influencer (On Instagram Story): “Hey guys, LMR post if you want more content like that! Please share your thoughts in the comments section.”
Summary of What Does LMR Mean on Snapchat
Acronyms and abbreviations abound on the Snapchat platform. Additionally, using them is quite enjoyable.
“Like My Recent” is the most common definition for LMR on Snapchat, Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter. If you want to learn more about Snapchat, you can check out some of our other guides here:
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Why Do People Say LMR?
The most common meaning for LMR is “Like My Recent.” It is typically used on Instagram and Snapchat as a request to “like” something that the sender has just posted.
What Does LML Mean in Snapchat?
The acronym LML stands for “love my life,” an Internet slang phrase that can also mean “mad.” LML can stand for “Laugh really Loud” or “Love My Life,” depending on the context.
What Does NRS Mean on Snapchat?
N.R.S often means No Replies. When someone is in a situation where they can’t send messages repeatedly, like when they’re about to go to sleep, aren’t feeling well, or have limited data or Wi-Fi, they’ll frequently use this technique.
What Does SR Mean on Snapchat?
SR means “Slow Replies.”