What Does Piercing Do in Minecraft? Guide 2023
If you like playing Minecraft, you might wonder what does piercing do in Minecraft.
In short, piercing in Minecraft is a type of enchantment that you can only put onto Crossbows. Arrows fired from crossbows endowed with the Piercing charm will pass through numerous enemies. As a result, you can use it to eliminate lots of adversaries quickly.
Read on to find out more about the piercing enchantment in Minecraft if you’re curious.
What Does Piercing Do in Minecraft?
Piercing is an enchantment that allows you to, well, pierce through enemies. You can add it to a crossbow so that your arrows can pass through monsters and hit several at once. It will fire a straight line in the direction you’re aiming rather than bouncing between mobs.
With each level, the enchantment gains one more piercing power. Your crossbow can hit up to two enemies at once if it has level one piercing. You can hit five enemies at level four, the highest level.
If you’re only up against one or two monsters, this isn’t very helpful, but if they’re in your line of fire, you can easily take out entire groups of them. Just be cautious because one crossbow cannot have both piercing and multishot!
Your crossbow can be pierced using an enchanting table, just like with many other enchantments in Minecraft.
A level three piercing enchantment and, very rarely, a level four enchantment are given to you at 30 EXP, whereas low EXP levels only give you level one or two. Crossbows and anvils can be combined as well to increase and strengthen the effect!
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How to Get Piercing in Minecraft?

Piercing was initially announced as a secret enchantment when it was first released in The Piercing enchantment in Minecraft can be obtained in three different ways, and there are also distinct ways to increase its potency.
We’ll talk about how to obtain the initial piercing as well as how to advance the enchantment from level I to level IV. You will need a crossbow first, though. Let’s see how to acquire a crossbow quickly and then put the enchantment on it.
How to Craft a Crossbow for Piercing
These are the ways to get a crossbow for Piercing in Minecraft.
- Add the ingredients for the tripwire hook, string, ingot of iron, and stick. These can be combined to create a crossbow that is completely honest.
- Take it from thieves and piggins. Players may receive a crossbow for killing a plunderer or piglin. Possibly, this crossbow can be repaired completely or with a different crossbow.
- Take treasure from chests or exchange goods with powerful Fletcher villagers. Look for the corresponding attire to locate a Fletcher villager.
How to Enchant a Crossbow With Piercing
An anvil and an enchantment table are necessary for the player to begin with. Follow these steps to apply the Piercing Enchantment to a crossbow:
- Anvil: Combine the crossbow and the enchantment book to enchant with the piercing.
- Command: Use the command /enchant @p piercing <level of piercing> to get a desired level of enchantment.
- Enchantment Table: Around the magical table, position at least 15 bookcases. Also applicable to outdated setups. With the aid of the table, combine lapis lazuli and the crossbow. To make an epic-looking crossbow with the Piercing enchantment, select it from the enchantment slots on the right side.
Where to Find Piercing Enchanting Book Naturally?
Enchanting books are typically found naturally in chests, and some of the locations where your chances of finding these books are higher are listed below.
- Stronghold Library
- Dungeon Chest
- Mineshaft Chest
- Desert Temple Chest
- Underwater Ruins Chest
- Woodland Mansion Chest
In addition, you can find these magical books while fishing, though sometimes a fishing rod is required to increase your chances of finding one.
For more information, read on Minecraft Guide.
Benefits of the Piercing Enchantment
Apart from enhancing the power and efficiency of a crossbow overall, there are plenty of secondary benefits of using the Piercing enchantment for combat instances.
Reusable Arrows
Although some of the player’s arrows can be recovered after the enemy has been defeated, most bow or crossbow arrows are lost after just one hit.
However, if you’re using specialized arrows or arrow tips with unusual effects, this could add up to a significant number of lost arrows.
An arrow from a crossbow with the Piercing enchantment can be picked up and saved after it has been fired. The Piercing enchantment is simple to use and efficient in terms of how much Minecraft resources it uses because you can repeat this procedure indefinitely without losing any of your arrows.
Safespotting Large Mobs
Players can be instantly killed by mob hordes. It is difficult to kill them without magical weapons, such as a crossbow. Multiple entities are instantly killed by a crossbow pierce through them. In terms of time and effort savings, this is advantageous.
A single mob must be killed with many swings of other weapons like swords and axes. The surrounding mobs inflict damage on the entities as the players attack them, leaving them vulnerable.
Crossbows can be used to kill the entities without taking any damage. Simply continue to shoot arrows from the safety of the high ground. Gather the arrows back once you have eliminated all the enemies.
Ignoring Shields
Enchanted crossbows that shoot piercing arrows can also penetrate shields. which is very challenging to do with the other weapons.
Irrespective of the level of the shielding, the pierced crossbow works on every level. High-level shield players can also be easily killed in multiplayer games.
Is Piercing a Good Enchantment?
A strong crossbow enchantment that can be very helpful in intense battles is piercing. This magical crossbow allows for massive kills and incredibly quick takedowns.
But, the entities will need to be in a single row for the arrow to pass through them all, and the Piercing enchantment level will need to be maxed for the highest damage output possible.
Takeaway: What Does Piercing Do in Minecraft
Piercing is an enchantment that you can apply on the crossbow which can be used to hit multiple mobs at once when they are in the same parallel direction.
A Crossbow can have several enchantments applied to it, but some cannot be combined. The Piercing enchantment is incompatible with the Multishot enchantment.
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