What Does Riptide Do in Minecraft? Complete Guide
There are a lot of items and enchantments that players can toy around with in Minecraft to make their items even better. One of these, in particular, is the Riptide. But what does riptide do in Minecraft?
Minecraft Riptide is a trident enchantment that allows you to travel a lot faster. You can launch yourself in any direction by throwing the trident with the addition of this enchantment.
You can find out more about riptides in Minecraft by reading on.
What Does Riptide Do in Minecraft?
In Minecraft, the Riptide enchantment gives players the ability to throw their trident while standing in rain or water, effectively allowing them to fast-travel while using the weapon. An additional benefit of a Riptide enchanted is that it can harm enemies and aid players in reaching high ledges.

To get around quickly and easily in the rain and the water is the main draw of a Riptide enchanted Trident, so to speak.
A Trident can be enchanted with Riptide three times, with each one allowing players to travel further. As soon as you have a trident, you can enchant it by going to an enchanting table and setting your trident along with three lapis lazuli items on the table.
You’ll see three options pop up and with some luck, you’ll get the Riptide enchantment right off the bat, but if not, keep trying and you should eventually get it. There are a total of five Trident enchantments, so chances are good that you’ll acquire one eventually.
Although there are other approaches, this one seems to be the simplest way to enchant things.
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How is Riptide Used in Minecraft?
Tridents are great aquatic weapons and improve with riptide. The two most notable uses of them are for combat and travel.
With the aid of the enchantment “riptide,” you can move through water and through biomes with snow and rain more quickly.
The player’s rate of travel when using their trident while submerged is 3 + (level * 4). The rate increases to 3 + (level * 6) if the player is standing in water, in the rain, or in the snow. This occurs because the player is launched with the trident when it’s thrown.
For upward distances, the law of travel also holds true. This can make climbing a steep mountain much easier at an extremely swift pace.
A riptide-enchanted trident can bring about a great victory in combat in the Minecraft game. If a mob or another player is hit with the trident, they experience the damage that the trident deals. Additionally, the damage is increased if the player who threw it is falling.
A trident that has the riptide enchantment in the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft can damage multiple targets at once. When the magical weapon is placed in a dispenser, it no longer damages multiple targets but instead flies ten times faster.
How to Get in Minecraft?
First, you have to find the trident you will get from a So be sure to search the seas for a drowned person and kill it to obtain a trident.
You can now easily use the Riptide-enchanted trident after enchanting it with Anvil.
Check Minecraft Guide for more information.
Why Can’t Riptide Be Added to My Trident?
If you can’t add Riptide to a trident, it’s most likely because you already have either Loyalty or Channeling applied to it.
Remember that Channeling and Loyalty cannot be used in conjunction with Riptide. Because a Riptide trident is always in the player’s hand, Loyalty requires the trident to be released from the player’s hand in order to have a sort of boomerang effect. For similar reasons as Loyalty, Channeling is incompatible with Riptide. Additionally, if you hold your trident in your hand while channeling, lightning will be directed to wherever it lands, burning you.
Therefore, if you want to add Riptide to a trident that already has Loyalty or Channeling, first disenchant it using the instructions we provided above.
Final Words: What Does Riptide Do in Minecraft
Along with the riptide enchantment that can be used on them, tridents are one of the coolest new additions that came with the aquatic update for Minecraft.
This enchantment should be used for both travel and combat, as it proves useful in both those areas. For gamers who live more of a nomadic lifestyle, this is a good enchantment.
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Loyalty is an enchantment applying to a trident, causing it to return to the owner once thrown.
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Channeling is an enchantment in Minecraft that can be placed on a trident to summon lightning.