What Does SMT Mean on Instagram? Answered 2023
On social platforms, the term “SMT” is frequently used. Do you know what does SMT mean on Instagram?
SMT means “Simultaneous Multi-Threading” or “Sucking My Teeth.”
Understanding what smt on Instagram means may help you communicate more clearly and add a humorous touch to your captions, Instagram stories, or comments.
Read on for some helpful examples of when and how to use SMT on Instagram, as well as the definitions of these terms.
What is the Meaning of “SMT” on Instagram?
As established, the primary meaning of “SMT” is “sucking my teeth.” However, depending on the context, it could also mean “send me this/that” or “smiling to myself.” The context in which each meaning is used is its most crucial component. In the headings that follow, we’ll examine how these meanings apply to various situations.

Meaning 1: Sucking My Teeth
Originally, it was the sound that “sucking” your teeth gives that brought this slang to life. You’re supposed to hiss when you suck your teeth to express disapproval of a circumstance.
Suppose you see a post on social media that you’re disapproving of and have no words for; this is where “smt” as “sucking my teeth” applies.
Another scenario is when you’re chatting with someone and they say something you don’t like or you have second thoughts about it.
Examples of conversations where this meaning of “smt” applies are illustrated below.
Illustration 1
- Amy: Hello, Matt. Did you speak to your brother while we were talking?
- Matt: Um, no, but my sister will spread the word because I told her about it.
- Amy: But I specifically requested that you not tell your sister, Smt. She was not to know, I wished.
Illustration 2
- Abby: What did the professor say about our homework?
- Ella: Oh, he said he’s moving the deadline up by three days to give us more time.
- Abby: I’ve only completed a fraction of what he suggested at first, Smt.
Meaning 2: Send Me This/That
You might come across a video or image that your friend shared on Instagram while you are scrolling through your own Instagram feed and want to have it as well.
Instead of going full “send me this” or “send me that, you can use the abbreviation “smt”.
You want to make sure your friend knows it’s the “send me this” meaning that you intend when you use the abbreviation.
Meaning 3: Smiling to Myself
This is a more unpopular meaning with Instagram users, but a few people use “smt” to mean the heading.
Like the “send me this/that” meaning, you have to be sure your recipient is clear that “smiling to myself” is what you mean.
An example is provided below.
- Amelia: Gary, I’m so proud of you. You’ve done well.
- Gary: Without you, Smt., it would not have been possible.
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Conclusion: What Does SMT Mean on Instagram
These are the meanings of “SMT” in the different contexts it might be used on Instagram.
You might find it much easier to understand things, and you might even catch yourself using smt in different conversations, though, if you are aware of what it means in each context on Instagram.
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