What Does the Hourglass Mean on Snapchat? Guide 2023
You may have seen the hourglass emoji pop up next to your friend’s name on Snapchat, but what does the hourglass mean on Snapchat? Here is all the information you require regarding the Snapchat hourglass.
The hourglass emoji means your snapstreak is about to end.
We’ll go over exactly that in this article, along with the need to get rid of it and instructions on how to do so. To begin with, we must define streaks in order to comprehend the Snapchat hourglass emoji.
What is a Snapstreak?
Emojis can occasionally be a little difficult to interpret.
But don’t worry—we’re here to assist you!
A lot of users enjoy the app mainly for its Snapstreaks. They show how many days in a row you’ve spoken to someone.
You start a streak when you and your friends exchange snaps each day. A Snapstreak emoji appears once you’ve done it three days in a row. The number of days that the streak has been ongoing is displayed next to it.
Text messages aren’t included, so if you want to start making streaks, you need to send the other person a photo or a video.
The majority of people are absolutely obsessed with streaks. Back in the day, when I was doing them with my friends, I was constantly bragging about how many I had with someone. It resembled a friendly competition to see which of my friends would have the most.
Snapstreaks are a humorous way to demonstrate your commitment to your friends and your desire to stay in touch with them constantly.
Additionally, it is a minor catastrophe to get the hourglass icon on Snapchat.
What Does the Hourglass Emoji Mean on Snapchat?

If the hourglass emoji appears next to your friend’s name on Snapchat, it means your streak with that person is ending soon.
A streak with someone denotes a period of time during which you have messaged each other each day for a predetermined number of days. Depending on how long the streak has been, a number and a fire emoji are displayed next to each person’s name.
You have a limited amount of time to exchange pictures with that person after the hourglass appears before your streak expires. Please be aware that group chats and sent snaps do not contribute to your streak.
In order to prevent breaking your streak, snap your friend as soon as you see the hourglass emoji next to their name on Snapchat.
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How Long Does the Hourglass Stay on Snapchat?

You’re probably wondering what the Snapchat hourglass length is.
Here’s the answer:
Around the 20th hour of no interaction, the Snapchat streak timer appears, and you have about 4 hours to take action. You must act quickly because you won’t be able to tell how much time is left if you don’t immediately see the emoji.
Tossing the hourglass aside, you don’t need to take any action if you don’t care about that. The problem will disappear if you wait a few hours.
But does the hourglass appear on both sides?
Of course! Both users receive a reminder to save their streaks.
Send a snap, call your friend, and urge them to do the same if you don’t want to lose them.
How to Maintain a Snapstreak?
In a world where people spend so much time on social media daily, it’s great that Snapstreaks require you to send only one snap every 24 hours.
The easiest way to maintain them is by creating a morning or evening routine. Each person looks at their phone in the morning. You won’t have to think about it the rest of the day once you send your morning greeting snap. And the Snapchat sand timer won’t be an issue for you.
You can send a black screen with the fire emoji if the streak is more significant to you than the information you share. So that they won’t be perplexed when they receive it, you can then explain to your friends why you’re doing this.
Naturally, for the streak to continue, you must ensure that the individuals on the opposing side are equally committed.
But be aware that not all Snapchat interactions count for maintaining a streak. Here are some examples that don’t qualify:
- Memories
- Group chats
- Stories
- Spectacles
- Text and voice messages
How to Get Rid of the Hourglass on Snapchat?
Send a snap to keep the streak going and make the hourglass emoji disappear.
Any snap will effectively renew the streak. You could send a quick selfie or a picture of whatever you’re working on right now. You could even send a picture of a blank screen![4]
- Keep in mind, texting someone on Snapchat does not refresh your streak. It has to be a snap.
- If you want to avoid cutting it close in the future you can send a GMS or GNS (good morning snap or good night snap), which refers to a random snap you send either before you go to bed or after you wake up, just to keep the streak going.
Conclusion: What Does the Hourglass Mean on Snapchat
Now you know what the Snapchat hourglass emoji is and how you can get rid of it. It appears when you’re about to lose your streaks. It’s like a warning. When you get it, you have around 4 hours to save your progress.
Make sure to contact your friends and remind them that they also need to send you a snap.
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When Does the Hourglass Appear on Snapchat?
If the hourglass emoji appears next to your friend’s name on Snapchat, it means your streak with that person is ending soon.
Does the Hourglass Appear on Both Sides?
Yes, they do. Both of the friends can see the hourglass emoji because it is present on both sides.
What Does the Fire Mean on Snapchat?
It means: you and this user are on a Snapstreak.