What Does WSP Mean on Snapchat? Meaning & How to Use?


If someone you know has texted or messaged you a message with “WSP” in it, you may be scratching your head in confusion: what does WSP mean on Snapchat? All key information will be discussed in this guide.

“WSP” is shorthand for “what’s up?”What’s up is a common, laid-back way of checking in on someone to see how they’re doing.

Keep reading the article to know what “WSP” means on Snapchat, other definitions of the word (which might be applicable to the platform or to other fields), examples of its use, and responses.

What Does WSP Mean on Snapchat Exactly?

“WSP” is an acronym for What’s Up. It is a typical laid-back way of finding out how someone is doing. It is an alternative for something like “HRU” or “how are you,” but a little fancy. Even adults use it more frequently on the majority of platforms, despite the fact that it sounds young and teen-oriented.

The precise meaning of this acronym can vary depending on the context in which it is used, and there are a few different ways it can be interpreted.

  • Another possible meaning of “WSP” is “wanna snap?” which is a request for someone to send a snap on Snapchat.
  • Finally, “WSP” could also stand for “will send a pic,” which indicates that the user is planning to send a picture to someone.

Therefore, it’s important to pay attention to the context and tone of the conversation to determine the intended meaning of “WSP” in a particular instance.

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How is “WSP” Used?

What Does WSP Mean on Snapchat

“WSP” is used the same way as in a face-to-face, text, or phone conversation. When someone texts you “WSP,” they are checking on you. How well are you doing? they ask.

Sometimes, you can use it to check if a Snapchat friend can hang out. But only between close friends who get together frequently is it employed in this way.

Also, if you have users on your friends’ list who you haven’t chatted with in a while, this acronym will be great to reconnect. It’s for checking in on a friend or member of your family.

The other person will introduce themselves and share their recent activities as a conversation starter.

When to Use “WSP” on Snapchat?

“WSP” can be an informal greeting. See below some situations when you can use it on Snapchat:

  • When checking on a Snapchat friend to find out how they are doing.
  • if you want to hang out with a Snapchat user on your friends list but have other plans.
  • when you want to strike up a conversation with someone you haven’t spoken to in a while.
  • When you are upset with someone and want to express your frustration with them, you may on rare occasions use it.

How Do You Reply to WSP?

"WSP" on Snapchat

Share what you’re doing in response to “WSP”.If you speak with this person frequently, they probably call to see if you’re available to hang out or chat. Tell them what you’re actively engaged in at the moment, or let them know you’re free to hang out. You might reply:

  • “Little. What are you doing?”
  • “Having just finished dinner. What’s going on?”
  • “I’ve never even seen my floor in my room before, so I’m cleaning it right now.”

Wrap-Up: What Does WSP Mean on Snapchat

“WSP” as an acronym is relatively straightforward to use.

You may be surprised to learn that you already know the meaning if you’ve been wondering what it means. The short answer to this query is that WSP stands for “What’s Up?”‘.

It is a great topic for conversation, whether or not you have anything to add.

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