What Does Zesty Mean Tiktok? Everything You Need to Know
Every day, new words and phrases are created in the language of TIKTOK. Zesty has become the newest ‘it’ word on TikTok, making people wonder what does zesty mean TikTok.
Zesty basically refers to a trend or a video that is thrilling and entertaining.
The original meaning of zesty is “full of zest, piquant” or “energetic and active,” per Dictionary.com, with a focus on food most frequently.
For more information on this term, keep reading.
What Does Zesty Mean on TikTok?
While zesty usually refers to a particularly thrilling flavor combination, users on Simply put, TikTok has modified the term to mean a fun and exciting trend or video.
It’s a fairly logical extension of the meaning of the phrase, but in this instance, videos and TikTok trends are being referenced rather than actual food. While there are many unnecessary complex things on TikTok, this TikTok term is actually not that difficult.

Additionally, there are some TikTok videos that seem to imply that the term can be used specifically to talk about videos that are sexually explicit or provocative in some other way.
The videos aren’t necessarily overtly sexual as a result. Instead, the term is occasionally used to describe videos that, either due to who is in them or the type of content they contain (particularly exuberant singing, for example), unintentionally come across as sexy.
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Where Does “Zesty” Come From?
Like any good online slang term, it was first logged on Urban Dictionary in 2009, initially described as, “My advisor uses the term “gay/homosexual” to describe someone who appears to be either of these.”
As a result of the word’s use on TikTok, more definitions for the word appeared in Urban Dictionary starting in 2022.
Videos using the hashtag “#zesty” surfaced en masse starting in January 2022, all of which were pointing back to a single video of several young Black men posing effeminately around the house.
What Popular Videos Feature Zesty?
The most popular videos that feature zesty in their captions don’t neatly fit into a single bucket.
A video of a group of men singing in a restroom and a clip of a young football player joking out another to the point where the defender falls to the ground are two of the most well-known videos with the word in their caption.
These videos are exciting because they contain an element that is thrilling or amazing, not because they are limited to a specific genre.
Zesty, like the word spicy, has recently progressed beyond its use to describe foods to become a word that can be used to describe a wide variety of situations and events.
TikTok has assisted in the term’s evolution, but it did not redefine zesty on its own.
Final Thoughts: What Does Zesty Mean on TikTok
In summary, “zesty” on TikTok refers to something that is unique, quirky, or unusual in a positive way. It can be used to describe anything that deviates from the norm, such as unique fashion, dance moves, jokes, or speech.
Understanding the lingo and fashions of TikTok can be a little intimidating if you’re new to the app.
But with a little practice and research, you’ll soon be able to use words like “zesty” with confidence.