Why Does RTT Randomly Turn On? How to Get Rid of It?

Why Does RTT Randomly Turn On

Why does RTT randomly turn on is a frequently asked question and we will tell you how to get rid of it in this post.

It’s probably the Rtt function to blame if you’ve ever wondered why your Android device seems to turn on at random. RTT stands for Real-Time Transmission and is a feature that was introduced in Your phone can receive notifications and messages even when it is off thanks to Android 4.4 KitKat, which enables real-time device communication.

What is RTT on My Phone?

When you see the “RTT” message on your phone, it means that your phone is in RTT mode, which stands for Real-Time Texting, is a feature that enables you to text with someone else whose phone has RTT enabled in real-time.

What Does RTT Do?

Being able to send text messages in real time to recipients makes RTT a useful phone feature. Typically, hearing people can use it.


You would share a split screen with the person you are texting while the feature is active. As if they were watching you message them, they will see every word you type. These instant messages are intended to resemble phone conversations. RTT is therefore beneficial for anyone who has hearing issues.

Since 2013, all mobile networks have supported real-time text to voice. After all, it makes moving around easier for people with certain impairments.

Why Does RTT Randomly Turn On?

If you’ve ever wondered why RTT (Real-Time Text) is coming up on your phone, it’s because your phone is trying to connect to an With the help of an RTT server, messages can be delivered almost instantly using the text messaging protocol RTT. It is comparable to SMS, but instead of using the standard cellular network, it uses an IP network.

This makes it perfect for situations where speed is essential, like in emergencies or when conversing with hard-of-hearing or deaf people. Due to the fact that RTT uses data rather than minutes, it can occasionally be a little more expensive than standard SMS. However, these days, most plans offer unlimited data, so this shouldn’t be a concern.

Additionally, some carriers are beginning to provide RTT services for nothing or at a reduced cost. The best way to learn if your phone supports RTT is to get in touch with your carrier.

Read More:

How Do You Get Rid of RTT Phone Calls?

Consider whether you actually need to remove the feature before moving forward. Anyone who suffers from hearing loss can benefit from it.

If you’re fine with deleting it, here’s what you do:

  • Launch the Settings application from the home screen
  • Select General if you are using the tab view
  • Click on Accessibility, and then the Hearing button
  • Click on the RTT Call Switch button
  • Select the Real Time Text option and chose between either Visible During an incoming call, or Always Visible
  • Click on RTT on Outgoing Call and tap the Manual option

Conclusion on Why Does RTT Randomly Turn On

You’re not alone if you’ve ever questioned why does RTT randomly turn on. It turns out that this is a widespread problem for many Android users, and the cause is actually quite straightforward. When your RTT is turned on, your phone is constantly pinging Google servers in order to keep track of your location.

Many users opt to disable this because it can drain their batteries. But occasionally, even if you’ve previously turned off RTT, Android will restart it on its own. There is a simple solution for this issue, which is good news.

All you need to do is go into your phone’s settings and disable the “Google Location History” setting. Once you’ve done this, your RTT should stop turning on at random.


Why Did RTT Appear on My Phone?

Real-time text (RTT) is a feature on the Apple iPhone that allows for those with hearing or speech impairments to carry on a conversational text via a phone call. There is no audio audible during the call when RTT is enabled on both devices. to enable simultaneous voice and text.

How Do You Know If Call is Being Recorded?

If while talking on a call, you are hearing the sound of beep constantly it could be a sign that your call is being recorded.

What to Do If Someone is Secretly Recording You?

If someone records you without your permission in a way that breaks federal or state law, you can contact a legal professional, sue them, and get them to pay damages.