Why is My Instagram Black? How to Fix Instagram Black?
When they logged into Instagram, many users discovered that the app had mysteriously turned black without them changing the settings. So why is my Instagram black?
If your device’s background is in dark mode, Instagram’s background will be black. It changes automatically according to your system preference in your phone’s settings.
Find out below how to check your background settings even though there isn’t much of an explanation for why this is occurring right now.
Why is My Instagram Black?
It’s not necessarily the case that Instagram made an arbitrary decision to join the dark side. But some users report that the app has switched to dark mode. According to iNews, the app pushed out an update in June 2022, among other things, that automatically changed its overall appearance.
When people use dark mode, it makes the overall features of Instagram darker. As you scroll through your feed, you now see a black background with white text instead of the usual white background and black text.

A dark mode is being developed for users by more and more apps. Twitter offers three different modes: Default (white), Dim (dark blue), and Lights Out (black). Even devices have gotten in on the trend. Your phone’s dark mode will turn on, and all of the available apps will have a dark theme.
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How to Turn Off Dark Mode on Instagram?
At present, if you have an iPhone the colour of Instagram’s background cannot be changed within the app itself.
It typically mimics the settings of your device, so if your phone is in light mode, the background will be white, and if it is in dark mode, the background will be black.
If you are unsure whether your phone is in light or dark mode, check the display and brightness settings.
The bad news is that there doesn’t seem to be a fix available at the moment if Instagram is still showing as black on your phone while it is in light mode.
The best thing to do is to contact Instagram via Twitter.
You can modify the Instagram app’s settings if you have an Android phone.
To do this, click on the three horizontal bars in the top right of the screen, then on your profile picture in the bottom right of the screen.
After this, click “Settings” and then “Theme”. You can choose between dark might and light might in this situation.
Final Words: Why is My Instagram Black
Having Instagram in dark mode doesn’t change anything else about the app. There shouldn’t be any more problems once you return to the light.
If there is a problem, feel free to reach out to Instagram’s Help section for different things you can try. Also, make sure that your phone’s dark mode isn’t the problem.
Also Read: Why Can’t I Reply to Messages on Instagram?
FAQs About Why is My Instagram Black
Why is My Instagram Black and Only Reels?
It could be that you haven’t updated your Instagram app in a while.
Why is My Instagram Not Working?
Because of settings you or someone else may have made, something may not load properly.
Why Has My Instagram Account Gone Black?
If you have an Android phone you can change the settings within the Instagram app. Click on your profile picture in the lower right corner of the screen, followed by the three horizontal bars in the top right, to accomplish this. After this, click “Settings” and then “Theme”.
Is All of Instagram in Dark Mode?
The dark mode of your device is automatically synced. That being said, dark mode on Instagram will work only on iOS 13 and Android 10 devices.