Why is My Samsung TV So Dark? 5 Reasons & Fixes

Why is My Samsung TV So Dark

If you recently purchased a new Samsung TV and are setting it up in your home, you might be wondering why is my Samsung TV so dark. Don’t worry, we will help you solve the problem.

The Samsung TV may appear dark because the brightness needs to be adjusted. Below are a few of the answers.

I am absolutely certain that one of these solutions will work for you if you try them all.

Why is My Samsung TV So Dark? How to Fix

These are the root causes and solutions for a dark Samsung TV.

Your Samsung’s Brightness Function Isn’t Working Properly

Why is My Samsung TV So Dark

The simplest and most straightforward fix for your Samsung TV’s darkness is to change the brightness level.

Changing the brightness of a laptop is a common occurrence for anyone who uses one frequently.

How to change the brightness on your Samsung is shown below.

  1. Under Settings > Picture > Expert Settings, choose Contrast. Set the thermostat to about 85 degrees.
  2. Choose Brightness from the Settings > Picture >> Expert Settings menu. At about 50, it ought to function.
  3. Under Settings > Picture >> Expert Settings, choose Sharpness. Keep it under 25.
  4. Setting > Picture >> Expert Settings > Color. 50 should be acceptable.
  5. Explore it by selecting Settings > Picture >> Expert Settings > Tint (G/R).

The Picture Mode Might Not Be Correct

Samsung TVs are great because they have a ton of programmable options. One of the most widely used modes is picture mode. This makes it possible for you to more appropriately enjoy different movie and TV show genres.

You’ll notice that the Samsung TV has a Standard setting. The Standard Mode is what it says it is. You may want to switch to Dynamic Mode if this isn’t bright enough. The most effective treatment for Dark Screens is frequently Dynamic Mode.

Try the following for Dynamic mode:

  • On the television, press and release the “Volume Up” button once.
  • Press and hold the “Menu” button on the remote control for roughly 10 seconds.
  • There should be a place on the screen that says “Dynamic mode” when the screen flashes. You might need to hit “Tools” and turn “Demo” to “Off” on some models.

Disable the Energy Saving Mode

Disable the Energy Saving Mode

If you’re still seeing a dark screen, see if Energy Saving Mode is on.

Your TV’s brightness is automatically adjusted in Energy Saving Mode to lower the amount of power it uses.

This function can occasionally be the source of the on-screen darkness.

Let’s disable Energy Saving Mode for now just to be safe:

  1. Choose Settings from the Home menu on your Samsung remote control.
  2. The general section is further down the page.
  3. Choose an eco-solution
  4. the Energy Saving Mode option
  5. Press Enter on the remote to turn it off.

Adjust Your Screen’s Minimum Backlight

If turning off Energy Saving Mode (or Ambient Light Detection) didn’t work for you, I’d play with the “Minimum Backlight” setting of your Samsung TV.

This feature adjusts the intensity of the lighting source for your screen, and once in awhile it’s this very dial that needs to be adjusted in order to get your TV to stop being so dark!

To adjust the Minimum Backlight intensity on your Samsung TV, follow these steps:

  1. Press Home on your Samsung remote and then go to Settings
  2. Scroll down to General
  3. Select Eco Solution
  4. Select Minimum Backlight
  5. Adjust the scale and see if you’re able to get the darkness to go away

NOTE: on some Samsung TV models, Energy Saving Mode is called “Power Saving Mode”

Reset Samsung Picture Settings

Another possible fix here is to simply reset your Samsung TV Picture Settings. Your screen settings will be restored to their factory defaults after doing this.

To reset your Samsung TV Picture Settings:

  1. Press Home on your Samsung remote and then go to Settings
  2. Select Picture
  3. Scroll down to Expert Settings
  4. At the very bottom, select Reset Picture and finally Yes

Conclusion: Why is My Samsung TV So Dark

If your Samsung TV still works, but the picture is too dark, there are several options you may try.

You should simply Reset the Picture or Factory Reset your Samsung TV if you’re having trouble getting a good picture despite adjusting a number of settings.

The very last resort is to get in touch with Samsung support and request that they send an electrician who can fix your TV.

Read More:


Why is My Samsung TV So Dark at Top?

The ambient light detection feature, a broken backlight, not using the home screen mode, a power surge, and the contrast between dynamic and adaptive make the Samsung TV appear dark.

What Causes the Dark Look on My Samsung TV?

The ambient light detection feature, a broken backlight, not using the home screen mode, a power surge, and the contrast between dynamic and adaptive make the Samsung TV appear dark.

How Can I Brighten My Samsung TV?

By modifying the Samsung TV’s brightness, image mode, and color tone, disabling adaptive brightness, utilizing the energy-saving option, and choosing the TV’s home screen mode, you can increase the TV’s brightness.